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Looking for cigars on sale?

Cigars come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with each type having its unique flavor profile. The most common types are parejos, figurados, and infused cigars.

Parejos are the classic straight-sided cigars that most people think of when they hear the word “cigar.” These cigars have a cylindrical shape with a rounded cap at one end and an open foot at the other end.

Figurados, on the other hand, have an irregular or tapered shape that can include torpedoes, pyramids or belicosos. These cigar types require more skill to roll than parejos but offer a different smoking experience.

Infused cigars incorporate flavors like vanilla, chocolate or fruit into their tobacco blend for aromatic smoking experience. They’re perfect for beginners who may not appreciate traditional cigar taste.

Other less known types of cigars include box-pressed which are square shaped instead of round; double-wrapped which adds complexity to flavors; and long-filler which burns slower than short-filler counterparts.

No matter what your preference is when it comes to type selection – there’s always something out there waiting for you! offers the best cigars and accessories at the best prices online. In this one-stop shop, you will find all of our discounted cigars and accessories in one convenient place! You’ll find premium handmade cigars from your favorite brands as well as cutting tools, lighters, humidification, and more. Hurry and order today, as these sales won’t last long.


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