long cigar set

Exploring Cigar Shapes and Sizes

If you’re new to cigar smoking, you may have noticed that cigars come in various sizes and shapes and that smokers spend different amounts of time enjoying different types of cigars.

The diameter and length of a cigar can vary from brand to brand, making it essential to describe a cigar by these two dimensions. The length of the cigar is given in inches, while the ring gauge is a designation for the diameter of a cigar, measured in 64ths of an inch. For example, a cigar with a 42 ring gauge has a diameter of 42/64ths of an inch.

It’s important to note that there is no correlation between the size or shape of a cigar and its strength. You can have a long cigar, such as an 8-inch one, that is mellow because it is made of mild tobacco. Conversely, you could have a strong cigar that is short because it is made of full-bodied and powerful tobacco. The strength of a cigar is determined by the tobacco used, not its size or shape.

Here are some standard shapes and sizes of cigars:

1. **The Coronas:**
– **Corona Gorda:** Also known as a toro, this cigar is growing in popularity. It takes roughly an hour to smoke and traditionally measures from 5 to 6 inches with a ring gauge of around 46.

– **The Traditional:** This is the benchmark cigar size against which other cigars are measured. Traditional coronas range from 5 to 6 inches and have a ring gauge range of 42 to 44. A corona takes around 45 minutes to smoke.

**The Petit:** As the name implies, this cigar is smaller than the other two coronas and only takes approximately 30 minutes to smoke. It generally measures about 4.5 inches and has a ring gauge between 39 and 42.

2. **Double Corona:** If you want to smoke one of these heavyweights, you’ll need to set aside a good two hours. They measure between 6.5 to 7.5 inches in length and sport a ring gauge of 48 to 49.

3. **Lonsdale:** The classic measurement of a Lonsdale is 6.5 inches with a 42 ring gauge, making them longer than a corona but thicker than a panatela. It takes about 45 minutes to smoke one.

4. **The Churchill:** A larger version of a corona, the usual dimensions of a Churchill are 7 inches with a ring gauge between 47 and 54. The Romeo y Julieta cigar is an example of a Churchill, which takes an hour and a half to smoke.

5. **Pyramids:** As their name implies, pyramids are cigars with a cut foot and a head tapered to a point. The usual measurement is 6 to 7 inches in length and a ring gauge of about 52 at the foot, narrowing down to about 40 at the head. It can take up to an hour and a half to smoke one of these cigars.

6. **Robusto:** A short, fat cigar measuring 4.75 to 5.5 inches long with a ring gauge of 50 to 54. This size is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, and depending on its thickness, each Robusto can take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to finish.

7. **Belicoso:** The traditional Belicoso is a short pyramid with a slightly rounded pyramid head. It often measures from 5 to 5.5 inches with about a 50 ring gauge. The Bolivar Belicoso Fino is a good example of this type, taking about 45 minutes to smoke.

8. **Panetela:** An elegant cigar whose popularity has decreased over the years. Its trademark look is long and thin, with dimensions ranging from 5 to 7.5 inches and a ring gauge of 34 to 38. Cigars measuring more than 7 inches are referred to as “gran panetelas,” and generally, a panatela takes from 30 minutes to an hour to smoke.


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